Suixtil Motorsports Fashion Says: You Need To Know The Ultimate Automotive Artist David Wiener
June 28, 2016
Photographic Constructs: Porsche 918 – Fine Art Exhibition at Grand Opening of Porsche Design Store, Salt Lake City
September 21, 2016Almost every kid dreams of being a rock star and I’m no exception. By the time I was 12 years old, I was playing in a band and envisioning myself on-stage with Clapton. More than 40 years later, while I didn’t achieve a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame moment, I did start a foundation, “Respect the Music,” to ensure kids and adults alike have the opportunity to experience the impact and benefits of music in a deeper and more powerful way. Respect The Music promotes music education, instrument access, as well as “better listening” and advancing the dialog of the musical experience through exposure to musicians, recording engineers, scientists, artists and journalists.
This piece of art, “The Music Never Stopped,” embodies elements found in the music world. I call my style Photographic Constructs, as I shoot hundreds of photos and then select images that are placed in a unique symmetry allowing the viewers to see the elegance and excitement of details that are all too often overlooked in the rush of daily life.
David Wiener – June 2016